Vertebral Motion Analysis (VMA)


Updated Technology

Vertebral Motion Analysis (VMA) is an FDA-cleared system for assessing lumbar and cervical spinal motion. It is the first functional test that utilizes machine-controlled movement of the patient and computerized tracking to provide a real-time diagnostic assessment of spinal injuries and spinal instability—allowing for a more accurate diagnosis of back and neck injuries as compared to standard flexion/extension bending X-rays.

Improved Diagnostics

The Vertebral Motion Analysis (VMA) system creates a video X-ray of a patient’s spine in motion. Each second, eight images are taken to give a more precise view of a patient’s injuries. This allows for real-time discovery of injuries and/or instability in the neck or back that can be missed using traditional X-ray technology.

How VMA Works

Patient Testimonial

“Robin, Heather and Jessica were extremely knowledgeable, professional, welcoming and compassionate. Their ability to care for a patient combined with the clinics atmosphere allowed for a very positive experience.

I cannot express my gratitude for all involved. Having this imaging study done has provided invaluable information with regard to my condition and future healthcare.”

Anneka B.

Learn More

Fill in the form below if you have questions about VMA or would like to schedule yourself or someone for a consultation.