What is VIA Disc NP used to treat?

Intervertebral disc damage can cause excruciating back pain, with patients describing a spectrum of symptoms from persistent discomfort to severe disability. Such damage can also heighten vulnerability to future injuries.

Prior to the advent of VIA Disc NP, advancements in addressing this condition had been limited. VIA Disc NP, employed as an allograft, replicates the natural cushioning function and supplements tissue loss in degenerated intervertebral discs, resulting in pain reduction.

VIA Disc NP Allograft Procedure Details at PMIC

  1. NP particulate is derived from intervertebral discs of donor tissue, with the particulate size optimized for delivery into the disc.

  2. Saline is mixed into the NP tissue for optimal hydration prior to delivery.

  3. The solution is then delivered via injection into the spine with a needle.

This is an outpatient procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia, however moderate sedation is sometimes recommended by our providers. They will insert a needle and inject the VIA Disc material through the skin and muscle into the center of the damaged intervertebral disc using technological visual aids as guides.

VIA Disc NP Allograft Recovery Details

Patients may experience moderate to severe pain after injection into an intervertebral disc which is normal. Oral medications may be needed promptly to treat this post-injection pain and discomfort.

Patients are generally instructed to keep their activity to the normal activities of daily life and limit physical or strenuous activity for 72 hours or more post-procedure.

Sometimes a back brace or physical therapy may be recommended post procedure as well. Follow up apointments are generally scheduled 2-4 weeks afterwards.

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